Kingwood Center Gardens Breaks Ground on the Garden Gateway Project


This is happening!  After two years of planning, fund raising and design, Kingwood Center Gardens broke ground for their exciting new Garden Gateway Project in April, 2019.  Terra’s Rob Thompson, Anna Werle and Cindy Tyler visited Mansfield to observe earthwork progress and to present final ideas for the planting plan for the Project.  A 13,000 s.f. Garden Gateway Center plays a key role in the Project, serving as the Gardens’ visitor center, event center, café, gift shop and office space for many of the staff.  Major improvements to the grounds include an enlarged green parking area, artful rainwater capture and cleanse throughout the entire Project, and a new Grand Perennial Garden, Welcome Cypress Garden, Bosque and Draffan Fountain Terrace.  Stay tuned! The grand opening is scheduled for summer of 2020.