Planting Continues at Firestone Park

On a crisp autumn day, Rob and I helped the Enviroscapes landscape crew plant the Spring Garden at Firestone Park in Columbiana, Ohio.  The Spring Garden is one of many jewels along the newly-envisioned Legacy Trail necklace at the Park.  

Firestone Park was given to the City by Harvey S. Firestone and his wife, Idabelle, in the mid 1900’s.  The story of the Firestones as well as other past stewards had been buried and forgotten over time, so Terra conceived of a trail loop that unearthed these stories by traveling through themed gardens and immersive follies in the landscape.  The Spring Garden is the last of these follies to be constructed and planted. 

The entire $5 million Landscape Improvements Project, which includes the Legacy Trail, is scheduled for a grand opening in June 2022.  Stay tuned!