Monticello Sculpture Gardens’ “Solar Flair” Summer Flower Show Culminates with Solar Eclipse Event

Godfrey, IL


Solar Flair, the Monticello Sculpture Gardens’ 2017 Summer Garden Show, is a celebration of light energy, lunar cycles, and how plants connect us to the cosmos.  Designed by Terra’s Ellen Biegert and Rob Thompson, the thematic plantings in key areas across the Lewis and Clark Community College campus invite students, staff, and passers-by to witness the wonderment of the ultimate solar power – photosynthesis – beautifully showcased by out-of-this-world plants!

In concert with the Garden Show, cosmic-themed art retrospective featuring artist Michiko Itatani has been on display in the Hatheway Gallery through September 22nd.

Solar Flair, which opened in May 2017, culminated on August 21 with the viewing of a total solar eclipse, where the extraordinary “ring of fire” was visible. Lewis and Clark was fortunate enough to be on the cusp of the path of totality, and was sure to offer anyone present an opportunity to celebrate this rare event!