Beaver Station Cultural & Event Center Featured in ‘Beaver Times’ Article

Beaver, PA

Terra’s Rob Thompson, teaming with architects Pfaffmann + Associates, worked closely with the Directors of the Beaver Area Heritage Foundation to complete a site and building restoration at the historic train station in Beaver, PA. After developing an updated site plan for the grounds in 2015, Terra then produced detailed planting plans and provided peer review as the site was under construction.

The award-winning station is now host to more than 8,800 visitors a year, for events ranging from public art classes to non-profit fundraisers to wedding receptions and other family celebrations.

Most recently, the Heritage Foundation finalized the unique ‘Event Lawn Belvedere,’ a bandstand-like outdoor venue that repurposes the turret roof of a nearby, now-razed 1890s mansion. The Belvedere project is featured in the Beaver Times – read more here!