Left to Right - Tuesday(RIP), Sadie, Jadie
Office Therapists
Since Terra was founded, there has regularly been an office dog on site, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. It is not uncommon for our project reviews or design sessions to be interrupted momentarily for ear scratches or play sessions, and we happily oblige!
In 2021, we sadly bid farewell to Tuesday, Rob’s beloved 12-year-old companion. Since our move to our new office space in 2022, we are occasionally reunited with Jadie when we visit friends at Sarah Street. Sadie, Cindy’s dog, is more of a fixture now. At ten years old, she is a bit slower at catching those groundhogs at the farm and rather seems to enjoy snoring at our feet as we draw and design.
We firmly believe in the motto, “Life is short – play with your dog!”