
Cindy Tyler, PLA - Principal

Cindy Tyler’s landscape architecture career spans nearly four decades, during which time she has enjoyed the master planning and design of public gardens, open spaces and higher education teaching landscapes through more than 45 commissions in more than twenty states. She is also a recognized leader among her peers for her family garden designs, and has led the development of more than 25 family gardens in twelve states, including sixteen that are built or under construction. 

Prior to founding Terra Design Studios, Cindy was one of the original partners of Marshall.Tyler.Rausch, where she focused on the design of public gardens that educate and inspire. Her goal to design gardens that reunite people to the natural cycles of the earth has continued to be the guiding principle behind each of Terra’s commissions.

Cindy earned her B.S. in Landscape Architecture from the Pennsylvania State University. She is a seasoned presenter at conferences hosted by AHS, APGA, and ASLA, and served on the AHS Board of Directors.

Her international travels have taken her to Thailand, England, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Tanzania, and Mexico, giving her a firm understanding of the role cultural heritage plays in successful landscape design. Protective of her own Pennsylvania cultural landscape, she is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture. When not restoring her own home landscape to its native plant roots, she is earnestly adding to her life bird list.

Cindy’s passion for ecologically-based design and decades of public and family garden experience makes her a vital part of any project team.